SGA Provides School Supplies for Operation Iraqi Children

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University of Southern Indiana issued the following news release:

University of Southern Indiana students will assemble kits of school supplies for children in Iraq at 9 p.m. April 23 in the University Center.

Joseph Giannini, freshman member-at-large for the Student Government Association, said the organization's philanthropy committee coordinated the effort to support Operation Iraqi Children (OIC), a nonprofit organization. Through SGA efforts, 350 kits costing $3,500 will benefit Iraqi children.

OIC was launched by actor Gary Sinise in 2004 after seeing the children's school environment during a visit to Iraq. Author Laura Hillenbrand is co-founder.

Giannini said volunteers from approximately 10 USI student organizations will help assemble the kits. He presented the fundraising idea to SGA after making a presentation about Sinise in a course on public speaking.

The kits include a ruler, eraser, composition book, pencils and sharpener, colored pencils, pencil bag, scissors, and notebook paper. The supplies will be flown to Iraq by Operation Iraqi Children and delivered to schoolchildren by American soldiers.

Individuals and businesses have contributed to SGA's fundraising effort. The USI Foundation worked with students to prepare an information sheet and letter to potential donors. Tax-deductible gifts to the USI Foundation were designated for OIC.

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Contact: Kathy Funke, News and Information Services, 812/465-7050,
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