Latest stimulus funds for schools target homeless students

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Tennessee schools are receiving yet another round of stimulus funds, the latest being money to meet the needs of homeless students.

State Department of Education officials announced today that $1 million will be distributed to Tennessee schools, with $34,340 coming to Knox County Schools.

The Title X McKinney-Vento Act funding represents the entire amount that will be available for districts to serve homeless students. The money may be used for different purposes including coordinating social services for families with homeless students, providing school supplies, paying travel for a homeless student to continue attending his or her school of origin, and providing supplemental instructional services, state education officials said.

In addition to these allocations, Murfreesboro City and Rutherford County Schools will each receive $27,500 in other supplemental federal funding to help in recovery from the April 10 tornadoes, according to state officials.
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